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How To send a Push?
How To send a Push?
Written by Vadim Aidlin
Updated over a week ago

As a PushnotiAds Publisher you are benefiting from UNLIMITED FREE web pushes to your own customers.

In order to send a web push go to Websites and choose your Website -> Notifications tab -> click on + Add Notification icon

Start Creating your first push notification as follows:

Here are some Specifications:

Title: 60-80 characters
Supports: Emojis, Language localisations

Description: 120-150 Characters
Supports: Emojis, Language localisations

Icon: Recommended size is 256x256 pixels. PNG, JPG, GIF (not animated).

Background Image: Windows & Android - 1400x1050 or 4:3 aspect ratio. PNG, JPG, GIF (not animated).

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